PDF Pretty Hexed by Sara Bourgeois find pc online reading story

PDF Pretty Hexed by Sara Bourgeois find pc online reading story

PDF Pretty Hexed by Sara Bourgeois find pc online reading story

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Book description
She’ll have to solve this crime one spell at a time. In the small town of Winterfield, almost everyone is a supernatural. So when stylist Belladonna Nightshade opens her door to see Elspeth Tory’s mansion in flames, her reclusive neighbor’s death is much more than a mystery. Detective Benjamin Carmichael isn’t sure what’s different about Winterfield. New in town, and with no powers to call his own, he’ll have to investigate the old-fashioned way. Everyone seems to have a secret … and no one intrigues him more than the bewitching Belladonna. When the case proves resistant to modern science and solid police work, Bella sets out to help the handsome detective. With the aid of Sterling the cat, Granny Pepper, Aunt Sumac, and her best friend Murielle, she must uncover the truth of what happened to Elspeth -- before she meets the same fate. Pretty Hexed is suitable for readers of all ages who enjoy lighthearted paranormal cozies. Newly Revised Edition
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