PDF Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Official Casebook Vol.1 - The Phoenix Wright Files by Kenji Kuroda epub online

PDF Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Official Casebook Vol.1 - The Phoenix Wright Files by Kenji Kuroda epub online

PDF Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Official Casebook Vol.1 - The Phoenix Wright Files by Kenji Kuroda epub online

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Book description
This was a disappointing read. It wasnt what I was expected. I got this book after hearing of high praise for the original video game. If the main character made it to the line-up for what is currently the best fighting game, the latest installment of Marvel Vs. Capcom, he must be popular and well-liked enough to merit the inclusion. I actually wanted to see a lot of courtroom action and suffice to say I didnt get any. Its a collection of one-shot stories from various artists that barely have a plot. Granted, my experience would have different had I played the game, and I would have been in on the references and other supporting character quirks that would have enhanced my enjoyment of the overall story of the game. But I didnt and thus the sad rating this book got from me.I usually finish manga in one sitting, but this one, and not because it is a double sized collection, it was a pain to read, the stories too inane even for a video game tie-in manga. Only the first two stories were tolerable, because it actually narrated Phoenix Wrights motivation as a character and the second because he got to demonstrate his talent for defending his clients by casting reasonable doubt on what could have been an open and shut case. The book went downhill from there.I would not recommend this book unless you have played the game or is just a plain manga glutton.
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