PDF One Thing or Your Mother by Kirsten Beyer (Goodreads Author) download pdf

PDF One Thing or Your Mother by Kirsten Beyer (Goodreads Author) download pdf

PDF One Thing or Your Mother by Kirsten Beyer (Goodreads Author) download pdf

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Book description
Its tough being a teenage Slayer. On the verge of failing her junior year -- thanks to annoying Principal Snyder, who seems to be acting even stranger than usual lately -- Buffy agrees to meet with a tutor. Not helping her studies is the fact that lately shes been exhausted, waking up each morning feeling more tired than she did the night before. To make matters even worse, shes tasked with investigating the disappearance of a child...a little girl who happens to have gone missing mere hours before a child vampire surfaced in Sunnydale, accompanied by a wheelchair-bound male who fits Spikes description perfectly.Fighting off exhaustion and uneasy at the prospect of staking a child vamp, Buffy learns that Principal Snyder is the target of a sleep-deprivation spell that has taken over Sunnydale. Putting aside her fear that her tutor is out to get her, and hoping that the sleeping spell is affecting both humans and demons, Buffy investigates Snyders odd behavior. She follows him to his childhood home to discover that he has arranged to have his abusive mother banished to the demon dimension. Meanwhile, Drusilla, who has been playing mother figure to the child vampire, is learning how difficult it is to be a parent. As sleep takes hold of the citizens of Sunnydale, Buffy begins to realize that unless she breaks the spell soon, the nightmare is just beginning.
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