PDF Nonviolence: The Transforming Power by Amit Ray ebay via apple english free

PDF Nonviolence: The Transforming Power by Amit Ray ebay via apple english free

PDF Nonviolence: The Transforming Power by Amit Ray ebay via apple english free

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Book description
The essence of nonviolence is our ability to awaken the consciousness to a higher level. Nonviolence is considered as the highest virtue because nonviolence has the capacity to transform individual, society and the world. Transformation happens slowly and silently in every single moment, without notice. Nonviolence is only for the brave men and women of the world because it requires courage – courage to love the beauty of life, beauty of humanity and the beauty of the world. It also requires courage to discard the old beliefs and the old ideas of religions and spiritualities in the framework of true humanity and love. In this book Dr.Ray explained the practical ways of practicing nonviolence in daily life.The seeds of violence exist in the daily feelings of suppression, guilt, shame and disappointments. These seeds can be eliminated by practicing simple techniques. The book deals with all the practical issues of practicing nonviolence.
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