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PDF Niki Lauda Meine Story by Niki Lauda epub via read reader mobile

PDF Niki Lauda Meine Story by Niki Lauda epub via read reader mobile

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Book description
I was pretty sure I wasnt going to like Mr Lauda, as hes often described as an arrogant bastard--something hes the first to admit--but hes also funny and surprisingly sensitive. His career was astounding, from the horrible shunt at Nurburgring to the teams he worked with to the car technologies he mastered. He goes into decent detail about working with Enzo Ferrari, Gordon Murray, and Ron Dennis. He also breaks down the wing era cars, the turbo cars, and the fantastic Brabham Fan Car, so I learned alot there, which was very cool. And he tells about his ballsy negotiations with the various teams for his record-setting salaries. I have to admit that I was mostly interested in his recollection of the Nurburgring shunt. Not surprisingly, he remembers very little. More shocking is when, early in the book, he talks about his involvement in the race where Roger Williamson crashed and burned to death. He discusses how David Purley, Williamsons best friend, tried to right his car and pull him out. He also explains that the other drivers thought all was ok because they saw a shunted car but also a driver nearby. So, like an idiot, I went to YouTube and watched the video of the disaster. Its horrific. If you havent seen it, DONT!! Its hideous and haunting.The book also features a ton of terrific photos of his various cars and the other drivers of his era (esp. a nice one of James Hunt in a Speedo with his model/first wife), and a chapter of insights into his family life. Now Im looking for a book on Gordon Murray. Any recommendations?
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