PDF Murder Shoots the Bull by Anne George touch francais english online view

PDF Murder Shoots the Bull by Anne George touch francais english online view

PDF Murder Shoots the Bull by Anne George touch francais english online view

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Book description
Patricia Anne would swear that either she or her sister Mary Alice were switched at birth, except they were both born at home. Flashy, flirtatious Mary Alice is one foot taller, twice the body weight of Patricia Anne, and three times as likely to do something completely off the wall. But now Mary Alice’s impulsive behavior has landed them both in the Birmingham jail!It all begins with a call from their good friend Mitzi Phizer, who’s starting an investment club—kind of a Beardstown Ladies group. Patricia Anne is willing to make a small, conservative investment in a thriving chain of HMOs; Mary Alice is hot to trot to put her money on Viagra. But before the club idea gets off the ground, the sisters spot Mitzi’s supposedly faithful husband in a chummy little huddle with a redhead—and the next thing they know, Arthur is accused of murdering the mystery woman. Nothing about the whole sordid story fits the kind, gently Arthur, and Patricia Anne is doing her best to console her good friends. But when their house catches on fire, and Arthur is shot in a place that won’t allow him to even sit down at his own murder trial, the sisters know they have to stand up for the poor fellow. And that means checking out everyone—from low-down cads to highbrow bank presidents—to find a no good gun-toting arsonist who believes big money is to kill for.
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