PDF Mistletoe and Miracles by Marie Ferrarella link online francais access book

PDF Mistletoe and Miracles by Marie Ferrarella link online francais access book

PDF Mistletoe and Miracles by Marie Ferrarella link online francais access book

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Book description
You can get through to him. I know you can.Though he heard her words, Trent Marlowe knew he had to be dreaming. What were the odds that Laurel would just reappear after vanishing seven years before? Shed turned his heart to stone and he wanted to keep it that way. Then he learned the real reason for her visit....Laurel would regret leaving Trent until the day she died. Shed disappeared with a litany of secrets too shameful to confide in a man shed never stopped loving. But now she desperately needed him to help her troubled young son. Yet how could she fight the desire Trent was reigniting? And the bittersweet yearning for a second chance?
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