PDF Minions of the Moon by Richard Bowes (Goodreads Author) doc ebay book bookstore pocket

PDF Minions of the Moon by Richard Bowes (Goodreads Author) doc ebay book bookstore pocket

PDF Minions of the Moon by Richard Bowes (Goodreads Author) doc ebay book bookstore pocket

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Book description
So goddamn weird. Is it sci-fi? Urban drug drama? Dark City?This tale is about a gay drug addict who may or may not have an evil twin. Its a long time before you find out if the evil twin is real, a figment of the heros imagination, or just a metaphor for drug and alcohol addiction, and even when you do find out, youre stilol not entirely sure what the deal is. Stories dont come much darker than this one, which is the main reason I like it.Still, there are times when the darkness bogs the story down. In fact, there isnt so much a single story as a string of dark and depressing events. Maybe a more compelling plot would have made this an easier read?One thing is a definite: There aint another novel like this one.
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