PDF Marked Mates by Erin M. Leaf (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

PDF Marked Mates by Erin M. Leaf (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

PDF Marked Mates by Erin M. Leaf (Goodreads Author) free view doc german selling

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Book description
When Sparrow Martin dreams about President Morgan Wilde, she thinks shes going crazy. Ordinary people like her dont bond with the President, right? But when she dreams about a second man along with Morgan, she knows she needs to find her bond-mates or risk losing her mind.Morgan knows hes bonding, but he has no idea what to do about it. One of the people hes dreaming about is a man whose face he cant even see. As President, his responsibility is to his country, not his own desires. Of course, when Sparrow shows up during a White House tour, he discovers dreams cant be denied.Justin Boyd is working on a secret project and he doesnt have time to figure out whats wrong with him. Hes been sleeping badly for months, but he doesnt have any of the signs of bonding: no wrist tattoos, no headaches. So why do two people haunt his dreams, night after night?
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