PDF Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony by Akio Morita purchase book text windows mobile

PDF Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony by Akio Morita purchase book text windows mobile

PDF Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony by Akio Morita purchase book text windows mobile

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Book description
Amazing book. And I joined Steve Jobs and many more from the Akio Morita fan club.Did you know that he was such a sensation that Steve Jobs wanted to build Apple to be like Sony? Here are the similarities- Both Apple and Sony had a reputation of creating perfectly crafted consumer products which conquer the marketplace. Apple still does, in fact.Both companies were leaders in personal technology. This is where Apple drew inspiration from Sonys Walkman, an inspiration which culminated in the first iPOD.This book is the story of Sonys legend, told in the words of its most famous co-founder himself. It gives an insight into how the Japanese way of doing business, along with a burning passion to conquer the marketplace and the vision of producing the highest quality products in the world grew Sony into the most respected multinational corporation in Japan and worldwide, and allowed it to become the first real Japanese company which cut across regional and international barriers and vanquished foreign competition.Akio Moritas style of writing is conversation style. He talks about all things Japanese, and all things American- and attempts to distinctly mark the difference between them. This book is probably the best lecture on management and entrepreneurship that you could ever probably get. This is almost the history of Japan from pre-WWII era to the present, running parallel to the story of SONY itself. It also gives an insight into the lives and homes of the common Japanese people, their preferences, their beliefs. The moment you pick up the book, whatever page it may be, you feel instantly teleported to a seat in front of the legendary Akio Morita narrating his and Sonys life to you.Finally- a good, exciting lecture on the Japanese way of doing business, on business ethics, and on Japan. MUST READ.
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