PDF Love Not Given Lightly: Profiles from the Edge of Sex by Tina Horn (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

PDF Love Not Given Lightly: Profiles from the Edge of Sex by Tina Horn (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

PDF Love Not Given Lightly: Profiles from the Edge of Sex by Tina Horn (Goodreads Author) txt ibooks

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Book description
Love Not Given Lightly is the first collection of nonfiction stories from award-winning filmmaker, journalist, and advocate Tina Horn. In her vast experience in sexual undergrounds, Tina has befriended pro-dommes, porn stars, kinky fetishists, rent boys, and more. Instead of writing a sex worker memoir, she opted to tell the stories of the people she met along the way. Illuminating human issues of desire, gender, beauty, and ultimately friendship, the stories in this book will do no less than alter the way you think about modern sexuality in America.Tina Horn is a writer, educator, and interdisciplinary media-maker. She co-created, produced, and directed QueerPorn.Tv, which has won two Feminist Porn Awards and was nominated for an AVN. Her writing has appeared in several Cleis Press anthologies, including Best Sex Writing 2015. She has blogged for Vice, Nerve, and Fleshbot and published articles in the Believer, AORTA, Up and Coming, and Whore! magazines. She holds an MFA in creative nonfiction rriting from Sarah Lawrence College. Originally from Northern California, Tina now lives in Manhattan.
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