PDF Life, Love and Assimilation by Kia Abdullah (Goodreads Author) flibusta touch library read get

PDF Life, Love and Assimilation by Kia Abdullah (Goodreads Author) flibusta touch library read get

PDF Life, Love and Assimilation by Kia Abdullah (Goodreads Author) flibusta touch library read get

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Book description
This killed my mood, majorly. Dont get me wrong, it wasnt bad, on the contrary, it was very good.But its one of those books that leave you thinking. It made me wonder what Id do in the situation, or if someone I cared about was in that situation. And the worst thing I came to realise was that I had no idea what I would do, if anything. This story was about a Bengali girl, Keiran growing up in East Londons Tower Hamlets and her everyday struggles. Its about her love story, and how sometimes not everything ends happily. Its about family problems and cracks in a family that cant be seen from the outside, but can be felt from the inside.A truly inspirational story about a girl who just wanted to be happy.
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