PDF Last Call by Rob Cornell (Goodreads Author) without signing djvu italian portable online

PDF Last Call by Rob Cornell (Goodreads Author) without signing djvu italian portable online

PDF Last Call by Rob Cornell (Goodreads Author) without signing djvu italian portable online

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Book description
Running a karaoke bar is no way for an ex-PI to make a living.Just ask Ridley Brone, a California private investigator who returns to his Michigan hometown when he inherits his estranged parents multi-million dollar estate. The songs his mom and dad wrote made them rich, but their popular karaoke bar, the High Note, made them famous. Now Ridley owns a bar he doesnt have a clue how to manage, and his every effort seems only to further tarnish his parents legacy.Then Ridleys high school love, Autumn, shows up asking for help. She suspects her husband of having an affair and wants Ridley to find the truth. Itching to do the kind of work he knows, Ridley takes her case. But after he finds her husband murdered, the karaoke bar feels like vacation compared to the hard job of proving Autumns innocence.Last Call is 72,000 words (about 300 pages) of hard-boiled karaoke noir—perfect for fans of Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton, or Harlan Coben.
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