PDF Labor in America: A History by Foster Rhea Dulles epub via read reader mobile

PDF Labor in America: A History by Foster Rhea Dulles epub via read reader mobile

PDF Labor in America: A History by Foster Rhea Dulles epub via read reader mobile

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Book description
Even since the last edition of this milestone text was released, union membership in the private sector of the economy has fallen to levels not seen since the 19th century; the forces of economic liberalism (neo-liberalism), capital mobility, and globalisation have affected measurably the material standard of living enjoyed by US workers; and mass immigration from the southern hemisphere and Asia has continued to restructure the domestic labour force -- all of which has been exacerbated by national security policy formed in the shadow of the tragic events of 9/11. Yet even in the face of anti-union legislation and a continuing decline in the number of organised workers, the purpose of this latest book edition -- the powerful and appealing story of the American worker from the colonial workshop to the modern mass-assembly line -- remains the same as that of the 1st edition written more than 50years ago: to enlighten present and future generations of students about the history of work, workers and worker movements in the US, and to encourage them to learn and think about those who built America and those who will shape its future.
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