PDF Kokou no Hito, Volume 8 by Shinichi Sakamoto shop read access flibusta information

PDF Kokou no Hito, Volume 8 by Shinichi Sakamoto shop read access flibusta information

PDF Kokou no Hito, Volume 8 by Shinichi Sakamoto shop read access flibusta information

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Book description
On his first day of transferring to a new high school, a loner named Mori Buntarou, is cajoled by a classmate into climbing the school building. Despite knowing that one misstep could send him spiraling to his death, he moves forward, and upon finally reaching the top, Mori experiences a sense of fulfillment. That feeling, which seems to be telling him, Youre alive! gives birth to an adrenaline for rock-climbing.Associated names:孤高の人孤高之人고고한 사람AscensionKoko no HitoThe Climber
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