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The following are comments from V.K. Ratliff, friend of Gavin Stevens.Now, Lawyer doesnt see some things. But I let him find those things out for himself. If I was to tell him, it wouldnt have ever come to him in a way it would have made a difference. Lawyer dont know women, hasnt ever, wont ever. But Id put him up against any man on recognizin the difference tween good and evil. And if he cant make the law work hell get justice if he has to do it outside a court room.Now Bill Faulkner wrote this book Knights Gambit. Its all bout Lawyer. I dont figger in it too much. But I figgered in some others. I read it too. Down at Mac Reeds Drug Store off the Square. Had me some strawberry ice cream cones while I was readin it. Id say strawberry ice creams bout Gods most greatest creation. Me and Lawyers nephew Chick, wed go down there and get us a cone ever now and then. Its mostly true,whats in that book. Sho, I liked it too. Liked it just fine. You watch Snopeses long as me an Lawyer watched Snopeses, youd see it for the truth, too. Not much in this town happens I dont know and I know all the people in this book.Theys some folks think Lawyer was just Bills mouthpiece, spoutin out his ideas on politics and govermint and the like. An they was a lot alike. Just like Bill goin gray early, sod Lawyer. An then Bill had a thing for younger women, moren one or two of em, not that hed ever have told it. Now the women did. Oh, yes. Even put it down in books. That Meta out in Hollywood and that young woman got Bill to let her help him write that play about Temple and Gowan, Nancy too, poor woman. Lawyer was bout the same way there too. He was allus lookin to help those young girls form their minds he said. Not that the town thought so. Except Lawyer, I doubt, never got nothin from that Eula Helen of Troy Varner, nor her daughter Linda, neither. Sho, I think Bill was probly luckier at love than Lawyer other than Estelle of course. But they was two separate people. Knowed both.Lots of folks dont think much of this book of Bills. Got me a Time magazine when it come out and this feller was writin bout Bill and said hed missed the bar on this one. Said he must of wrote it to make money cause some of those stories was put in the Saturday Evening Post so it want litrature. I guess he must of wrote that for free cause he want no better than Bill if he got paid for it.And then you got them folks that read nuthin but mystery books. Those people dont like it any better than that Time feller. One man, well, he said these werent real mystery stories cause Bill didnt make this windin trail of clues leadin you in one direction and then tother. Said Bill telegraphed who done ever thin by puttin the key clues in eyetalics, didnt make you guess nothin.I like a good whodunnit as much as the next man or woman. Read a good many of em. Checked em out of that rack down at Macs. Down at the drug store where youd get your pills and a sundae or a coca cola. Just like Bill used to. You could be down there bout nine and most of the late crowd would be down there. Billd walk into town from that old place of his and check out the latest ones. If Id been married to Estelle Oldham, Id probly been there ever night. One reason I stayed a bachelor. Learned to sew my own shirts on one of those sewin machines I sold ever place. Mac, he kept up with those books of his. Had check out cards just like at a real library. Funny, but those cards Billd sign. Theyd come up missin so Mac just signed Bills name on all them cards. We allus figgered it was somebody down at the University figgered somethin with Bills name on it would be worth somethin some day.Anyway, Id read those books just like Bill and everbody else did. I enjoyed em. But you take some swishy Lord Whimsy and that Hellery Queen...well, real folks dont live that way. Leastways not around here.Down here its pretty sure that somebody does somethin bad, its for one reason or the other. The reasons dont change that much. Its money or a woman or some secret nobody wants known that everbody already knowed an if they didnt know it theyd say it was so.Lawyer always had no problem figgerin out the why the who or the how. Most times it dont take a Sherlock Holmes. But Bill just put it all down the way it was. Want no tricks and runnin you down rabbit holes. Theres allus gotta be somebody got to tear another man down so they can be bettern him. Those people like that man at Time Magazine, they can say they just hate to say somethin Bill wrote just want up to snuff but you can read real clear between them lines that they was tickled to say it. Dont think one of em ever won a Noble prize or even a Pulitzer. But I guess they got paid for it just the same. I magine that money spent the same as if it come by way of a check from the Saturday Evening Post.Had a feller ask me the other day if I believed in demons and the devil. Said he was goin to a church where they was prayin away his demons. Didnt ask me if I believed in God. Way I see it, we humans dont need no demons or devils. We get along just fine being human.So in this book, an innocent man goes to the gallows. Lawyer cant stop it. An people kill other people for money and sex they didnt have or couldnt get or someone else could and did. An Lawyer just kept on trying to get justice. With the law if he could and outside the courts if he couldnt.They aint gonna be no more Gavin Stevens stories. I think thats a damn shame. Aint gonna be no more stories by Bill neither. Thats a worse damn shame.Whatd you say? Did I know Bill. Why sho. I got this card right here. Signed it hisself right down at Mac Reeds. What you got to trade for it? What? You want this book. I couldnt do that. No, they aint gone be no more Lawyer stories. I just might need to read this book again some time. Yeah, sho Lawyer said the past is never dead. Sho, its not even past. But I know its alive on this paper.EDIT: This review is shared once more for the benefit of goodreads group On the Southern Literary Trail, and, perhaps to draw attention to what is considered to be one of Faulkners more minor works. However, Gavin Stevens is Faulkners recurring literary lawyer, and figures widely in Requiem for a Nun, Intruder in the Dust, and the Snopes: A Trilogy. Yes, he is one of my favorite Faulkner characters.Mike SullivanFounder and ModeratorOn the Southern Literary Trail
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