PDF Jungle Heat by Bonnie Dee (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks iphone

PDF Jungle Heat by Bonnie Dee (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks iphone

PDF Jungle Heat by Bonnie Dee (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks iphone

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Book description
Congo Free State, 1888On a mission deep in the jungle, Oxford anthropologist James Litchfield comes face-to-face with a local legend: a wild man who wanders with mountain gorillas and lives as one of their own.The chance encounter with the savage, whom James calls Michael, leads to a game of observation and exploration. Their mutual curiosity turns to an attraction—one that Michael has never experienced and James is desperate to deny.When members of the expedition unearth Jamess secret discovery—a living specimen of man at his most primitive—Michael becomes a pawn in their quest for fame.As their relationship deepens, James is compelled to protect Michael from the academics who would treat him as nothing more than a scientific acquisition and London society, which threatens to destroy their passionate bond...
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