PDF Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages (Tenth to Fifteenth Centuries) by Christoph Cluse (Editor) eReader online read pocket price

PDF Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages (Tenth to Fifteenth Centuries) by Christoph Cluse (Editor) eReader online read pocket price

PDF Jews of Europe in the Middle Ages (Tenth to Fifteenth Centuries) by Christoph Cluse (Editor) eReader online read pocket price

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Book description
This volume brings together leading European historians who are firmly based in regional, archival research with a number of Israeli and American scholars who concentrate on cultural, legal and constitutional aspects of the Jewish community. Another distinguishing feature of the volume is the fact that historians working on Mediterranean Jewries (Sicily, Spain, Provence, etc.) and those studying the northern communities (England, Northern France, and Ashkenaz) will present their findings in a single, one-language collection, thus highlighting the similarities and contrasts among the various European Jewish cultures. The book will help to undermine stereotyped images about Jews and about Jewish history. Above all, its emphasis on the variance in European Jewish historical experience will subvert teleological approaches to Jewish history. The volume comprises: part 1: Dimensions of the Subjectpart, 2: Around the Mediterraneanpart, 3: The Northern Jewries: France, England and Ashkenazpart, 4: Aspects of Cultural, Economic, and Social Historypart, 5: Individual Jewries through Archival and Archaeological Evidence.
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