PDF Jack of Hearts by Joseph Hansen tom kickass download pc book

PDF Jack of Hearts by Joseph Hansen tom kickass download pc book

PDF Jack of Hearts by Joseph Hansen tom kickass download pc book

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Book description
This is the first novel Ive read outside of the Brandstetter mysteries that Hansen published under his own name. I am familiar with his writing as James Colton, though, and expect that this one might as easily have been released under that pseudonym. It may even have been written earlier than the first Brandstetter book, Fadeout, which appeared in 1970.I feel confident that there are autobiographical elements here, somewhat thinly disguised. Hansen would have been the same age as protagonist Nathan Reed in the period of this story, which is around 1940. Like Reed, he was a transplant from the east into California, though his father was said to have been a shoemaker rather than an itinerant musician.The setting, the social attitudes and suspicions, everything rings true for the end of the Depression and the rumblings of war to come in the US. Nathan Reeds uncertainty about his own sexuality and his naive view of what others were doing and saying around him is familiar enough.Had I read this without being told who the author was, Id very probably have picked Hansen, or rather his James Colton pseudonym. This is not at the brilliant level of the Brandstetter series, but still a very worthwhile coming of age story that reminds us how very far US society and culture has come in the last 60 years or so. Anyone who has enjoyed Hansens more famous novels will probably like this, and certainly anyone who liked James Coltons books will also enjoy it.
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