PDF In Loves Territory by Lucy Evanson (Goodreads Author) read eng italian price online

PDF In Loves Territory by Lucy Evanson (Goodreads Author) read eng italian price online

PDF In Loves Territory by Lucy Evanson (Goodreads Author) read eng italian price online

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Book description
Torn from the big city. Thrust onto the frontier. Forced to choose between two men. As the only daughter in a wealthy Boston family, Katie Taylor has a comfortable home, good friends and servants to attend to her every whim. But when her father uproots her family and moves them to a farm in the Territories, her former life disappears forever. Soon she finds herself caught between the desires of two men: Edward, the wealthy businessman who has taken an interest in her, and Sam, the half-Sioux farmhand who has also kindled a passion within her. Now, when she least expected it, she finds herself without a guide in a brand-new land: the territory of love.
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