PDF Husband and Wife by Leah Stewart (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

PDF Husband and Wife by Leah Stewart (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

PDF Husband and Wife by Leah Stewart (Goodreads Author) purchase find tom online kindle

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Book description
In this new novel by the celebrated author of The Myth of You and Me, a young mother discovers that her husbands novel about infidelity might be drawn from real life.Sarah Price is thirty-five years old. She doesnt feel as though shes getting older, but there are some noticeable changes: a hangover after two beers, the stray gray hair, and, most of all, shes called “Mom” by two small children. Always responsible, Sarah traded her MFA for a steady job, which allows her husband, Nathan, to write fiction. But Sarah is happy and she believes Nathan is too, until a truth is revealed: Nathans upcoming novel, Infidelity, is based in fact.Suddenly Sarahs world is turned upside down. Adding to her confusion, Nathan abdicates responsibility for the fate of their relationship and of his novels publication—a financial lifesaver they have been depending upon—leaving both in Sarahs hands. Reeling from his betrayal, she is plagued by dark questions. How well does she really know Nathan? And, more important, how well does she know herself?For answers, Sarah looks back to her artistic twenty-something self to try to understand what happened to her dreams. When did it all seem to change? Pushed from her complacent plateau, Sarah begins to act—for the first time not so responsibly—on all the things she has let go of for so long: her blank computer screen; her best friend, Helen; the volumes of Proust on her bookshelf. And then there is that e-mail in her inbox: a note from Rajiv, a beautiful man from her past who once tempted her to stray. The struggle to find which version of herself is the essential one—artist, wife, or mother—takes Sarah hundreds of miles away from her marriage on a surprising journey.Wise, funny, and sharply drawn, Leah Stewarts Husband and Wife probes our deepest relationships, the promises we make and break, and the consequences they hold for our lives, revealing that its never too late to step back and start over.
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