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PDF How You Were Born by Joanna Cole finder kickass flibusta pc free

PDF How You Were Born by Joanna Cole finder kickass flibusta pc free

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Book description
This was perfect for my preschooler who is VERY curious about nature and all babies as well as her own birth. It gives a lot of information but in a simple, clear manner about the scientific aspects of how a baby grows and is born. It brings up eggs and sperm but doesnt get into the how, which is perfect for the first introductions on this topic. It had great pictures and diagrams with diverse families and even mentions birth centers and midwives as well as showing a photo of a mother breastfeeding while also mentioning that some babies are feed with bottles. This was exactly the book I was looking for when I set out to find an informative and honest book about pregnancy that would be appropriate for an inquisitive, science loving 4 year old.
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