PDF House Rabbit Handbook: How to Live with an Urban Rabbit by Marinell Harriman txt download free

PDF House Rabbit Handbook: How to Live with an Urban Rabbit by Marinell Harriman txt download free

PDF House Rabbit Handbook: How to Live with an Urban Rabbit by Marinell Harriman txt download free

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Book description
Another good referenced title for the house rabbit fan. This is probably the classic title that sort of revolutionized peoples attitudes towards keeping rabbits. This is an updated version and very inclusive--good info on diets and habitats. Biggest complaint is I would like to see more information on dwarf rabbits (as that is what my Mokona is) and they are a really popular type of rabbit and have special needs that can differ from a larger type of a rabbit. Overall a good reference title but not quite as good as Good Rabbitkeeping.
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