PDF Hapenny Magick by Jennifer Carson online touch offline macbook author

PDF Hapenny Magick by Jennifer Carson online touch offline macbook author

PDF Hapenny Magick by Jennifer Carson online touch offline macbook author

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Book description
Maewyn Bridgepost, the tiniest Hapenny, a race of little people, spends her days, from breakfast to midnight nibble, scrubbing the hearth, slopping the pigs, and cooking for her guardian, Gelbane, who never spares a kind word. As if life as a servant isnt bad enough, Mae learns that Gelbane is a troll and Hapennies are a troll delicacy. Years ago, a spell trapped Gelbane in Maes village. Ever since, Gelbane has been chiseling away the magic protections and now Maes home is destined to become a smorgasbord for half-starved trolls.When her best friend, Leif, goes missing, it will take all of Maes courage to friend her friend and protect her village.When pitchforks, sewing needles, pots, brooms and a little magick are the only weapons at hand, the hapennies discover that great victories can be accomplished no matter what size you are, but only if you stick together.
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