PDF Gryphon Precinct by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Goodreads Author) ipad author touch eReader read

PDF Gryphon Precinct by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Goodreads Author) ipad author touch eReader read

PDF Gryphon Precinct by Keith R.A. DeCandido (Goodreads Author) ipad author touch eReader read

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Dungeons and Dragnet... As a take-off of the standard crime drama, Dragon Precinct succeeds nicely. Dressed in sword-and-sorcery trappings, the clichés of the genre are given a fresh twist. —The Journal of the Lincoln Heights Literary Society Authors and Editors Humans and elves, dwarves and gnomes, wizards and warriors all live and do business in the thriving, overcrowded port city of Cliffs End, to say nothing of the tourists and travelers who arrive by land and sea, passing through the metropolis on matters of business or pleasure—or on quests. The hard-working, under-appreciated officers of the Cliffs End Castle Guard work day and night to maintain law and order as best they can. Cliffs End is rocked by the death of Lord Albin. As soon as the funeral ends, Albins son Blayk takes over and starts instituting wholesale changes in how the Cliffs End Castle Guard is run: enforced retirements of older guards (including Captain Osric), surprise promotions (including Grovis to replace Osric as Captain of the Guard), sword requalifications for all guards, and much more. Worse, Blayk has split up Lieutenants Torin ban Wyvald and Danthres Tresyllione and given them new partners. Lieutenant Dru, still devastated by the loss of Lieutenant Hawk, also has a new partner. All three detectives catch separate cases, but the more they investigate, the more they realize that all three are related—and connected to a conspiracy that targets the King and Queen themselves! An all-new adventure of the Cliffs End Castle Guard! Unicorn Precinct is a fantastical, funny twist on the traditional murder mystery, with many likable characters and enough twists and turns to keep things interesting. —Sci-Fi Bulletin
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