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Book description
At last a coherent new set of ideas for critics of economic rationalism and globalisation. Hamilton argues that an obsession with economic growth lies at the heart of our current political, social and environmental ills – and offers a thought-provoking alternative.‘Right on target, and badly needed’ Noam Chomsky‘Every now and then a book that is perfect in timing and tone hits my desk. Growth Fetish is that book. It is powerful and potentially transformative.’ Rev. Tim Costello‘This book reveals the undelivered reality of economic growth and the hollow mantras of the Third Way. Growth Fetish provides a much needed road map to a new politics in a post-growth world.’ Senator Natasha Stott DespojaFor decades our political leaders and opinion makers have touted higher incomes as the way to a better future. Economic growth means better lives for us all.But after many years of sustained economic growth and increased personal incomes we must confront an awful fact: we aren’t any happier. This is the great contradiction of modern politics.In this provocative new book, Clive Hamilton argues that, far from being the answer to our problems, growth fetishism and the marketing society lie at the heart of our social ills. They have corrupted our social priorities and political structures, and have created a profound sense of alienation among young and old.Growth Fetish is the first serious attempt at a politics of change for rich countries dominated by the sicknesses of affluence, where the real yearning is not for more money but for authentic identity, and where the future lies in a new relationship with the natural environment.
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