PDF Green Stormwater Infrastructure Fundamentals and Design by R.G. Traver view acquire free how to shop

PDF Green Stormwater Infrastructure Fundamentals and Design by R.G. Traver view acquire free how to shop

PDF Green Stormwater Infrastructure Fundamentals and Design by R.G. Traver view acquire free how to shop

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Book description
This book focuses on novel stormwater control measures (SCMs) and related technologies for the reductions of detrimental impacts from urban stormwater. Many of these SCMs are nature-based and are considered as part of a green infrastructure that may include bioretention, vegetated swales, vegetated filter strips, green roofs, and wetlands. Other stormwater control practices are covered as well.The initial parts of the book provide background on urban hydrology, water quality and runoff. While most of the book focuses on stormwater control and improvement via a suite of different technologies and techniques. Background information on unit processes for affecting the water balance and improving water quality is presented. The last chapters provide specific details on categories of stormwater control measures, specifically addressing topics such as selection, design, performance, and maintenance. The book contains many photographs taken by the authors and many diagrams developed by the authors. End-of-chapter problems are included with a separate solutions manual.
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