PDF Girls Will Be Girls: A Novella and Short Stories by LeslГ©a Newman (Goodreads Author) phone shop full version ipad download

PDF Girls Will Be Girls: A Novella and Short Stories by LeslГ©a Newman (Goodreads Author) phone shop full version ipad download

PDF Girls Will Be Girls: A Novella and Short Stories by LeslГ©a Newman (Goodreads Author) phone shop full version ipad download

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Book description
The Babka SistersSit down, shah, you ready? You got your tin can going there, you want to make a test, make sure my voice is good, everything is working all right? OK, so now Im gonna tell you a story, a story I never told nobody. Why Im telling you, a stranger, I dont even know, but all right, eppes, its time.Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, around the Stone Age it was, takeh, I was a young maidl, and quite a looker I was too. I know what youre thinking, you look at me now and what do you see? A fat old lady wrinkled like a prune danish with hair like cotton candy. But, nu, I had quite a shape in those days, my hair I wore in a braid down my back thick as a mans arm, my skin was smooth as a babys tuchus. You dont believe me, but you wait, mamela. Gravity aint got no favorites; it catches up to everyone, eppes, someday even you.So my childhood aint nothing to talk about. An ordinary girl I was, I went to school, I came home, I helped my mother with the housework. Sure, five children she had, four boys and me, so who else is gonna help her? I had friends, too, boys and girls, no one special, there was a group of us that stuck together, to the movies we went, and to get a nosh at the diner, dancing once in a while, you know we did all the things young people do.And then, when I was 16, a new girl moved into the neighborhood, and that girl, I had such a feeling for, I just couldnt take my eyes from her. You know the expression love at first sight, sure, who doesnt, well of course thats what it was, but what did I know, we was two girls; girls dont fall in love with girls, who ever heard of such a thing? I just knew I wanted to be her friend, help her out, you know, show her around. It could be overwhelming, such a place, to a person who first walks in and dont know from it, eppes, it takes a while to get used to, it was a very big school.Look, heres a picture of her, my Evie. You see, here we are both in the last row. Thats our class picture from 11th grade, we was both tall girls; now Im all stooped over like an old turtle, but back then my spine was straight as a Shabbos candle, from my
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