PDF Gettysburg 1863: High Tide of the Confederacy by Carl Smith txt online look spanish ios

PDF Gettysburg 1863: High Tide of the Confederacy by Carl Smith txt online look spanish ios

PDF Gettysburg 1863: High Tide of the Confederacy by Carl Smith txt online look spanish ios

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Book description
Ospreys study of the Battle of Gettysburg (1863), one of the decisive battles of the American Civil War (1861-1865). The Confederate invasion of the Northern states was General Lees last great gamble. By taking the war to the Union he hoped to force Lincoln into peace negotiations, or win support from the European powers who were watching events closely from across the Atlantic. Equally, Meades Army of the Potomac needed to regain its fighting credibility after the setbacks of Fredericksburg and saw this as an opportunity to redeem its honour. The clash of 150,000 soldiers from both sides would ultimately decide the fate of a nation.
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