PDF Fortress of Solitude by Kenneth Robeson (House Name) mobi online

PDF Fortress of Solitude by Kenneth Robeson (House Name) mobi online

PDF Fortress of Solitude by Kenneth Robeson (House Name) mobi online

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Book description
This is the sort of book that I should be giving one lonely star. Bad writing. Cheap action. A shaky, meandersome plot; instead of utilizing foreshadowing, the author(s?) brings up crucial details right when they become important, which supports my theory that he wrote the whole book in an afternoon. Characters have 1 personality trait each. Moronic concept. Utter lack of research. Full of 1930s-era ethnic and gender-ic stereotypes.But thats all nitpicking. Did I like it?Yes.Throughout the book I paid extra attention to the word choice (which I so want to mimic exactly everywhere I go), and it was glorious. Some specifics:pg. 3 - We can see the books datedness already. This African American fellow is described as a black ox, and queer gets used here and throughout the book as a synonym for strange. I think. On this page, it might mean exactly what it says - they were a little queer, perhaps because all their lives men had been scared of them. Titania/Gigantia fanfiction would be rampant if this book had fans.pg. 17 & 18 - I love how the words get more violent as an action scene approaches. The process server doesnt just wait for a skyscraper tenant, hes lying in ambush. The bomb isnt just stuck to the bottom of the escalator, its lashed there.Also, is every black guy gonna be an ox in this story? Oh wait, its the same person. What appeared to be an archaic slur was actually a call for us readers to recognize a signature character. It would have built tension if I wasnt so busy complaining.pg. 22 - Character says some very bad Russian words. Oh, scandal.pg. 23 - Men do things because of love. Always. Without exception.pg. 26 - Heh, heh, heh. Dont you miss those straightforward, innocent times? Times when you could ejaculate right in the middle of a conversation and nobody would call you out on it? I miss the 30s.Really, ejaculate is just an archaic cross between interject and iterate. Which really just mean said. It was a common synonym back in the day; you dont find it in the classics because literary authors didnt use cliche terms to describe a characters way of communication. Psych.pg. 35 - Can be gets overused in this book. Whyd they try to kill you? That can be part of the mystery. How would that not be part of the mystery, you bloody idiot? Protean genius. Hmph.pg. 37 - John Sunlight? Whats that? Some guys name? Can be.pg. 43 - Scudded. Not sure if thats a real word but it sounds awesome.pg. 52 - Obviously. If you ever find a sentence of yours that uses the word obviously, cut it. Not the word, the whole sentence. If its obvious then the reader doesnt need it told. Its also condescending. She wasnt there, duh. Havent you been reading?pg. 53 - The funny thing about John Sunlight is that he supposedly can break a persons will with a few turns of phrase - but we never see him do it, because that would force Kenneth (Lester?) to develop a similar mastery of the English language. So he just uses his frightening verbal statements. I dont know what those are.pg. 56 - Dryly. Writer friends - you have no obligation to describe the way in which someone made a statement. Stop doing it. I tell you this contrarily, pleasantly, mildly, suddenly. And dryly. Dryly should not be a word. If I ever read that somebody ejaculated dryly, Im going to retire from reading forever.pg. 59 - Entering vague ideas. I can relate with the author on this one. We cant just say thinking! Thats a tired old phrase! Weve gotta go somewhere crazy, somewhere no author has gone before. We gotta utilize the variety and flexibility of the English language. And then we come up with entered vague ideas.pg. 70 - Crisp voice. Friends, what does a crisp voice sound like? Can anybody link me to a demonstration? Im clueless here.pg. 73 - Dirty buzzard. Apparently thats a reference to something the prince had done previously. Damned if I know. Good combination of words, though.pg. 80 - Civan just called some guys cookies.pg. 86 - I like this sentence: It always aggravated [John Sunlight] to have his control on himself slip. It paints John Sunlight as a man that manipulates and enslaves, not just the people around him, but himself as well. His mind is a pestilence on this earth, like something from the demon possession stories of old.pg. 97 - He managed to help along the business of following the footprints by utilizing the sense of touch. Could have said He felt for footprints. Its all right, Ive produced similarly convoluted and nonsensical sentences.pg. 97, 98, 99 & 108 - This may surprise you, but there arent actually any Eskimos in Russia. Those people who sit around shivering in the northern wilderness are called... Russians. Seeing as Kenneth got that wrong, Im suspicious of these phrases that he claims are part of the Eskimo language. Words like igloovegak, ooloi, chimo, elarle, umiak. Google Translate doesnt help here.pg. 101 - Monk just kicked a guy on the part of the anatomy most generally kicked. I think its the ribs, but somethings telling me its probably the dick. Speaking of which, the prince just turned the adjacent air blue with swear words. Luckily it wasnt all the air, just the stuff nearby. Can you imagine living in a total blue haze just because some guy lost his cool?pg. 104 - Copper is made up of molecules. No. No its not. Its an atom.pg. 106 - Heh, heh, heh. The prince just ejaculated. He ejaculated because John Sunlight wants him to pay 11 million for the death ray technology, when the original price was 10. Kind of an odd reaction, if I say so myself.pg. 108 - John Sunlight just came fast. Darn it, my minds in the gutter all of a sudden. Also, this poor fellows trying to plug a leak in his chest. Love the word choice there. That sounds like something Id write.pg. 113 - Ham the lawyer is not impressed. Also, nonconductor - you could just say insulator.The book closes with a pun. I love it.
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