PDF Food Allergy Field Guide: A Lifestyle Manual for Families by Theresa Willingham review link english torrent book

PDF Food Allergy Field Guide: A Lifestyle Manual for Families by Theresa Willingham review link english torrent book

PDF Food Allergy Field Guide: A Lifestyle Manual for Families by Theresa Willingham review link english torrent book

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Book description
Great resource for families, including adults, with all types of specific diets. While it focuses most on food allergies and celiac, it also applies to and includes information about diabetes, food intolerances, and other medical disabilities. I particularly appreciate the attention to the emotional, developmental, and social aspects of food restrictions. My main critique is that it is missing the perspectives of disability justice communities about these topics. Also, the advice assumes a certain amount of resources, privilege, and white American culture. It would be great to acknowledge this or to offer tips from families in other circumstances and cultures.
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