PDF Fire Your Gym! Simplified High-Intensity Workouts You Can Do At Home: A 9-Week Program--Fewer Injuries, Better Results by Andy Petranek pdf online reading

PDF Fire Your Gym! Simplified High-Intensity Workouts You Can Do At Home: A 9-Week Program--Fewer Injuries, Better Results by Andy Petranek pdf online reading

PDF Fire Your Gym! Simplified High-Intensity Workouts You Can Do At Home: A 9-Week Program--Fewer Injuries, Better Results by Andy

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Book description

Book description
Challenging High-Intensity Workouts That Make You Incredibly Strong and FastHad it with the relentless pace, fatigue and sore muscles of Body Beast and P90X? Tired of driving to the gym every day or paying a trainer? Or do you want a break from your tedious workout routine?Dive into Fire Your Gym and you will find a challenging, exciting, time-saving, fun and smart program that delivers striking gains in muscle size and strength, running speed and endurance, fat loss and all-round peak fitness—developed by two top authorities in the fitness world. Best of all, it leaves you with a simple, highly motivating workout system that’ll keep you super-fit for life—right from your own home. Andy Petranek, founder of one of the world’s most successful CrossFit gyms, and Los Angeles Times fitness columnist Roy M. Wallack have created a unique, science-based program that blends high-intensity strength training, intervals and low-intensity recovery cardio. Brutally effective without beating you up, it is simply the best way to get the best results.
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