PDF Fire Service First Responder by Daniel J. Limmer tablet mobile book djvu read

PDF Fire Service First Responder by Daniel J. Limmer tablet mobile book djvu read

PDF Fire Service First Responder by Daniel J. Limmer tablet mobile book djvu read

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Book description
This is the first book written specifically for firefighters who act as first responders, and represents a unique joint venture by Brady Publishing and the International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA)--two leading producers of fire service training manuals. Written by authors with extensive experience in the fire service and EMS, it features a full range of National Standard Curriculum Materials for First Responders as well as enrichment materials--all expanded to take into account the distinct needs and requirements of members of the fire service. A host of features speak directly to firefighters: On Scene scenarios; Fire Drills;Company Officers Notes; Firefighter Focus summaries; Fire Company Reviews; Resources to Learn More; and At a Glance flow charts and other visual summaries. Introduction to the EMS System. Scene Safety and the Well-Being of the First Responder. Legal and Ethical Issues. The Human Body. Airway. Circulation. Automated External Defibrillation. Scene Size-up. Patient Assessment. Cardiac and Respiratory Emergencies. Other Common Medical Complaints. Environmental Emergencies. Psychological Emergencies and Crisis Intervention. Bleeding and Shock. Traumatic Injuries. Burn Emergencies. Musculoskeletal Emergencies. Injuries to the Head, Neck, and Spine. Childbirth. Infants and Children. Lifting and Moving Patients. Multiple-Casualty Incidents and Incident Management. EMS Operations. Hazardous Materials. Fireground Rehabilitation. EMS Rescue Operations. For firefighter first responders.
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