PDF Fabulous: Photographic Diary of Studio 54 by Bobby Miller iBooks full version book phone itunes

PDF Fabulous: Photographic Diary of Studio 54 by Bobby Miller iBooks full version book phone itunes

PDF Fabulous: Photographic Diary of Studio 54 by Bobby Miller iBooks full version book phone itunes

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Book description
There has never been -- and there will never be -- another nightclub to rival the playfulness, the glamour, the sheer audacity of Studio 54. With its world famous reputation, Studio 54 promised a never-ending parade of superstars and freaks from all walks of life. Bobby Miller was there to photograph these unbelievable apparitions of the night, and in Fabulous he not only shows us who they were, but tells us what they were doing.Andy Warhol, Grace Jones, Jerry Hall, Martha Graham, Calvin Klein, Eartha Kitt, Muhammad All.... The list of celebrities in this book goes on and on, its sheer magnitude astounding, its diversity downright shocking. Studio 54 was the catalyst that brought together some of the most famous, creative, and strangest people in the world. The photographs in this collection, along with the anecdotes that Bobby Miller shares, make this the most complete portrait we have of the gorgeous chaos that was Studio 54.
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