PDF Deja Voodoo by Elle James (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

PDF Deja Voodoo by Elle James (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

PDF Deja Voodoo by Elle James (Goodreads Author) fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description
ARC provided by the Publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Well I wished for a wonderful, romantic-suspense lite with humor, romance and a touch of mystery, and I got exactly that. Elle James has got it all and a voodoo oh-no in Deja Voodoo. This is #3 in the series and I will need to find the other if they are anything like this one. I absolutely love it.Alex Boyette comes from a family with 19 kids, she is a successful business owner and lonely. She would love to have a special someone to share life with, but her free time is limited and she just cant seem to find the right someone. She wishes for a man just like her dog Sport - loving, loyal, faithful. Well, be careful what you wish for. The next morning she finds herself waking up with Sport, the man, in her bed! Ed Marceau is undercover in Bayou Miste, LA as part of a protection detail for a witness in the upcoming trial of a mob boss. Getting involved with someone is not on his list of things to do right now, but, some things have a way of happening anyway. Ed runs smack into a naked Sport with Alex and her friend, Calliope hot on his trail. Ed is gobbstruck by Alex and so is she. But, Alex has a Sport problem to take care of and Ed has a witness to protect from a mob hit. Alexs mom is in full matchmaker mode when she invites both Ed and Alex to dinner.
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