PDF CultureShock! Denmark: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette (Culture Shock! Guides) by Morten Strange (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

PDF CultureShock! Denmark: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette (Culture Shock! Guides) by Morten Strange (Goodreads Author) eng txt store book library

PDF CultureShock! Denmark: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette (Culture Shock! Guides) by Morten Strange (Goodreads Author)

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Book description

Book description
I came across this book when looking for travel guides in the library. I took it because I liked the title and thought it would be a fun book to read whilst preparing for my upcoming trip to Denmark.Unfortunately the version in the library is outdated, they only had the version from 2001. So Im not sure how much information is still valid because a lot can change in 13 years.Also if youre only reading this to prepare for a holiday, theres a lot of information you dont need, like how to find a job in Denmark, how to get along with your neighbors, etc. Its much more helpful for people who are moving over there, which Im not.
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