PDF Charles Hodge: The Pride of Princeton (American Reformed Biographies) by Andrew W. Hoffecker information wiki author book francais

PDF Charles Hodge: The Pride of Princeton (American Reformed Biographies) by Andrew W. Hoffecker information wiki author book francais

PDF Charles Hodge: The Pride of Princeton (American Reformed Biographies) by Andrew W. Hoffecker information wiki author book francais

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Book description

Book description
Charles Hodge (1797 1878) is regarded by many as the most significant American theologian of the nineteenth century. He drove forward the rapid growth of theological education and contributed to Presbyterianisms wide-ranging influence in public life. His advocacy of a Reformed orthodoxy combined with evangelical piety attracted a broad following within Old School Presbyterianism that spilled over into American evangelicalism as a whole. Hodge helped to define a distinctive ministerial model the pastor-scholar and his fingerprints can be seen all over the Reformed Christian scene of today.
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