PDF Chances by Talia Carmichael (Goodreads Author) torrent read offline audio text

PDF Chances by Talia Carmichael (Goodreads Author) torrent read offline audio text

PDF Chances by Talia Carmichael (Goodreads Author) torrent read offline audio text

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Book description
Treble Duo, the haven facility, is now up and running, and that is Theron Longoria’s one and only focus until he sees Aristotle Berkus. He’s met the grouchy, crowd-hating man several times, but each time, Theron is more and more intrigued. After meeting Theron, Aristotle realizes what a wonderful mystery of a man he’s found, and although he plans on taking things slow, he’s not planning on letting Theron go.Between a barbecue get-together and a chance to help a little girl find a new home, Theron and Aristotle discover they need each other to navigate the new life they are starting together.
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