PDF Century of Cycling: The Classic Races and Legendary Champions by William Fotheringham purchase book text windows mobile

PDF Century of Cycling: The Classic Races and Legendary Champions by William Fotheringham purchase book text windows mobile

PDF Century of Cycling: The Classic Races and Legendary Champions by William Fotheringham purchase book text windows mobile

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Book description
Dramatic accounts of all the major European bike races from the first Tour de France in 1903 through today, including special profiles on the nine greatest races and champions. Special features include course maps and a synopsis on the most noteworthy elements of each, as well as key spectator points along the routes. Readers will discover rich text from an experienced writer and true fan of the sport, whose passion is relayed through his engaging words and striking photos. Cycling enthusiasts who crave a hands-on look at the brilliance of the past centurys most legendary events are certain to be captivated.Packed with detail, drama, glory, and defeat, this definitive history is an inspiring collection of the events and tales that have made biking a European favorite and a worldwide interest.
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