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Book description
American Sports Agent Shannon Hennessey is talented and tenacious. But after struggling to carve a name for herself in the male dominated world of professional sports representation, she finds it all slipping from her grasp. When she is banished to Ireland on a forced leave of absence, instead of accepting defeat quietly, she immediately identifies the gifted soccer star, Ray Moran as the one who can save her career. But Ray is also being targeted by a shadowy violent figure from Belfast. Liam Cross, although young, is a relic from The Troubles. He has lost his political validation but not his deadly skills. He decides to use the media attention lavished on Ray Moran for his own gain. When Liam is hired by an unknown middle eastern group for a job in Dublin that coincides with the World Cup qualifier game, their lives become inexorably intertwined like a complex Celtic knot with no beginning and no end in sight. Now Shannon and Ray must work together to discover Liams plan, save innocent lives and somehow get Ray and the Irish National Soccer team to the World Cup finals. As time counts down to kick off, they find themselves engaged in a deadly match with no chance of a draw.
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