PDF Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Magical Mystery Tour Featuring the Beetles by Jane Espenson purchase cheap free writer library

PDF Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Magical Mystery Tour Featuring the Beetles by Jane Espenson purchase cheap free writer library

PDF Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Magical Mystery Tour Featuring the Beetles by Jane Espenson purchase cheap free writer library

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Book description
This short, short Spike story has both good and bad. I am reading this story from the Buffy: Season 9 Library Edition book, after having read Buffy Season 8 in its entirety and Angel: After the Fall, as well as Spike: After the Fall and Spike Vol.1: Alone Together Now and its sequel. I think you really have to at least read Spike Vol.1 and 2 (Alone Together Now) to get these little short Spike tales from beyond the stratosphere (it is a must, if not you are missing out on a lot of context).And while I was all caught up on everything that has happened until now, or so I think please correct me if I am wrong, I still did not get why Spike decided to go back into Space with his band of merry bugs. He had JUST gotten back to Earth! TO BUFFY, to be by her side and help her kick ass. So I was a little confused because when I saw he was in space I thought the story was about to explain what had been going on since the end of Spike Vol. 1 &2 and the moment he returned to Earth at the end of Buffy season 8. So that was a bit disappointing.So now that we know what we are actually getting to, just some side small adventure out of space were we see Spike assimilate amongst the bugs he is master of, we can continue to look at the story based on its merit.So, all in all, this small 10 page story is actually pretty sweet. Spike is out with his bug crew, exploring the galaxy and what not, and they run across this huge monster that needs its ass kicked. After the weirdest battle to date, Spike decides he has had enough and he wants to get his marble ass back to Earth. The bugs proceed to tell him it will take one and a half thousand hours to get back to Earth. The rest of the story is Spike hanging out with the bugs, assimilating to their way of life, and pretty much counting down the days.Overall it is pretty sweet, even if it doesnt add much to the overall story. It is a filler, plain and simple. It was fun seeing Spike take charge of the bugs and be their leader, not to mention we get a glimpse of Spike doing poetry for the bugs and you know how well that usually goes for him (the bugs seemed to love it though). Overall if you are a Spike lover you will be happy after reading this, on the other hand they have yet to tell us what happened after Spike left Earth in pursuit of Wolfram and Hart, huge downer, or even what made him come back to Buffy in her hour of need at the end of Season 8.Finally you see Spike come back to Earth, and we see Buffy acting all tough (and kind of girlfriend possessive-ish) and asking him if he is home for good. Good lord, if these two dont get it on soon I might just become an unbeliever. #Buffy+SpikeForever
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