PDF Better Not Get Wet, Jesse Bear by Nancy White Carlstrom fb2 online reading

PDF Better Not Get Wet, Jesse Bear by Nancy White Carlstrom fb2 online reading

PDF Better Not Get Wet, Jesse Bear by Nancy White Carlstrom fb2 online reading

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Book description
This second Jesse Bear book is set in summer, a fact we discover quickly from the illustrations even though it is never explicitly stated. Jesse Bear is up and about in this book, as he tries to help with a variety of water-related tasks. As he tries to wash a glass, feed the fish, water the flowers, and bathe a bird in the garden birdbath, one or the other of Jesses parents warns him, Better not get wet, Jesse Bear! As the day ends, though, Mom and Dad take Jesse to a little pool in the backyard, where he is then allowed to get as wet as he pleases.This book is formatted much the same as the first book - the illustrations are bordered, and the text appears in boxes above or below the main action. In this story, though, there is an added element, speech bubbles, which appear in the midst of Jesse Bears actions on the page, and repeat his parents refrain asking him to stay dry. I thought that was a great way to incorporate dialogue into these books, and to introduce the concept of dialogue without yet punctuating it as such.I also loved the way this story gently teaches that some things can get wet, and some things cannot. When Jesse Bear washes the cup, the text reads, Poking, soaking, hey hey / Getting wet is okay / For you, cup. The same pattern is repeated for the fish (Slapping flapping, hey hey / Getting wet is okay / For you, fish.) the rose outside in the garden (Sipping, dripping hey hey/ Getting wet is okay / For you, rose.) and the bird in the birdbath (Splatter spatter, hey hey/ Getting wet is okay / For you, bird.)I love the way the author uses repetition and rhyme to add rhythm to her story, and I really enjoyed the joyful tone that permeates the entire book from beginning to end.
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