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PDF Berlin 2014 (Eyewitness Travel) by Helen Townsend shop read access flibusta information

PDF Berlin 2014 (Eyewitness Travel) by Helen Townsend shop read access flibusta information

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Book description
Born in 1947, Helen Townsend was educated in Melbourne and Sydney and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History and Economics from Sydney University in 1968.She worked as a researcher in the Health Department of ABC radio and television for ten years, before becoming a full-time writer. Her many projects since have included the position of researcher for the 1990 ABC/Film Australia documentary of her book Baby Boomers, writer/researcher of a one-hour documentary on Antarctica for Channel 7, researcher for the First State 88 Bicentennial Transport Exhibition and story researcher for the film Phar Lap, among others. The National Times, The Sun Herald, Womans Day and Cleo have all counted Helen as a freelance contributor. She was also the writer of Australias first internet soap, Fridays Beach, shown on the Microsoft network.Helen has had 17 books published including Turning Point (1996), Real Men (1994), Heroic Measures (1993), Baby Crazy (1990), Baby Boomers Growing up in Australia in the 1940s, 50s and 60s (1988), Adult Children and Their Elderly Parents (1989) and Balancing Act.She is married to Steve and has three children, Sophie, Lewis and Patrick. Helens particular interests are literature, history and social issues.
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