PDF Belyandos Treasure by Melanie Millet download text story epub sale

PDF Belyandos Treasure by Melanie Millet download text story epub sale

PDF Belyandos Treasure by Melanie Millet download text story epub sale

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Book description
Australian television journalist Cathi Schneider is stalked by a murderer as a result of her investigative reporting. Sent for her safety to the new Lake Belyando Resort, she finds evidence of a set of golden plates reminiscent of the Book of Mormon. Her passion for puzzles and her training in investigative reporting draw her into a daunting search for the peculiar treasure and the pyramid on which it was found. In the meantime, the deadly assailant who drove her into hiding slips closer to her and the treasure. In Cathi Schneider, Owen Mutzelburg has created a rare character—a sleuth who is clever, relentless, and driven by morality and faith.
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