PDF Basic Cantonese: A Grammar and Workbook by Virginia Yip book txt online

PDF Basic Cantonese: A Grammar and Workbook by Virginia Yip book txt online

PDF Basic Cantonese: A Grammar and Workbook by Virginia Yip book txt online

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Book description
This Grammar and Workbook is ideal for learners of Cantonese wishing to take their knowledge of the language beyond the elementary level. Its twenty-eight units highlight the key building blocks of sentence structure and comprise a structured introduction to essential grammar points. Each unit also features exercises, focusing on the communicative language, devised to perfect the students knowledge of these grammar points.Its clear presentation and lack of jargon mean that it can be used in conjunction with a language course or for independent study. It will also prove invaluable for revision and reference.Featuring an introduction to the language, full key to exercises and a glossary of grammatical terms, the Grammar and Workbook provides a firm foundation on which to build proficiency and confidence in speaking, reading and writing Cantonese.
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