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PDF Arab Summer by David Lender (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

PDF Arab Summer by David Lender (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

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Book description
Newlywed Sasha Del Mira thinks she’s left her harrowing past with the CIA behind her…until her husband is murdered. There’s only one man who can be behind this: Saif Ibn Mohammed al-Aziz, once Sasha’s lover and now the leader of a Muslim terrorist group. Seeking revenge, Sasha returns to the CIA and goes undercover in pursuit of Saif. Meanwhile, Saif plots an Arab Spring uprising intended to violently overthrow the Saudi Arabian government in the holiest of places at the holiest of times: the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Can Sasha save the world from a fundamentalist reign of terror, or will she be forced to become the madman’s wife?With this third installment of the Sasha Del Mira series, the valiant heroine of Arab Summer joins the ranks of blockbuster covert-ops stars such as Jason Bourne and Jack Ryan.
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