PDF Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training by Mark Vella page reader itunes read touch

PDF Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training by Mark Vella page reader itunes read touch

PDF Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training by Mark Vella page reader itunes read touch

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Book description
Learn how your muscles work before you work your musclesPerfect for beginning and advanced fitness practitioners alike, this is an in-depth look into the most magnificent machine ever created--the human body. Using detailed anatomical illustrations, Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training provides you visual insight into what happens to this organic machine during exercise--muscles and tendons working in concert to strengthen your bodys building blocks.With a basic knowledge of how the body works, you can buff up your body with the books 90 exercises, grouped by body region and involving gym machines, free weights, and body weight/stretching, as well as yoga and Pilates. Each exercise is vividly illustrated by a full-color anatomical illustration of the targeted muscles, together with instructions on execution and technique.
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