PDF An Encounter with Venus by Elizabeth Mansfield review link english torrent book

PDF An Encounter with Venus by Elizabeth Mansfield review link english torrent book

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Book description
Why does one writer work and another not? Why should a competently written book, no better or worse than many another RegRom, just not set the world on fire for me? To be fair, the first line does eveything to lure the reader in -Ten years earlier, when he was seventeen, George Frobisher had caught a glimpse of Miss Olivia Henshaw naked. It was a moment he never forgot.But then subsequent lines - fatally - allow the word plodding to take root in the mind: from there its surprising difficult for a book to make a comeback.He’d been granted leave from Cambridge to attend his sister’s wedding, which was to be held at Leyton Abbey, the groom’s country estate in Yorkshire. He did not usually enjoy attending weddings, nor did he like having to leave school so close to examination week, but Felicia, six years older than he, was his only sibling, and he was very fond of her. He therefore tried to make the best of it for her sake.While dressing for the ceremony, he realized he was missing a stud for his shirtfront. Since the valet his host had provided for him was elderly and slow, he decided to go himself to find his father’s bedroom and borrow a stud. And so on.Maybe on a different day, when I was willing to make allowances?
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