PDF A Very Special Delivery by Linda Goodnight (Goodreads Author) francais get link library free

PDF A Very Special Delivery by Linda Goodnight (Goodreads Author) francais get link library free

PDF A Very Special Delivery by Linda Goodnight (Goodreads Author) francais get link library free

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Book description
This is book #6 of the 16 free eHarlequins I downloaded recently. This one is from the Love Inspired imprint (translation: Christian romance). God plays a really big part in this book; He gets mentioned at least once a page, either directly or indirectly. As someone who doesnt spend a lot of time thinking about (in any serious way) or talking to God (with or without a capital letter), this made me a little uncomfortable and alloyed my pleasure in the actual human characters and their story more than a little bit.The heroine, Molly, suffers from a crippling guilt and fear (arising from a traumatic family event) that keep her physically isolated from her community, her church, and her family. The hero, Ethan, is new to town, and has a checkered past, a newfound faith and an infant daughter but no wife or girlfriend (and oh how the eyebrows waggle). Unlikely circumstances (not entirely unlike those in Snowbound) throw Ethan and Molly together for several days, and in those artificial circumstances, they discover a mutual attraction. Mollys secret guilt and fear dont stay secret for long; they are the barrier between her and happiness, after all. Well, they and the distance shes put between her and her family (but for one aunt), the people at her church, and, by extension, her God. Ethans faith is no less solid for being so new, and through a combination of love and trust in him - and a completely deus-ex-machina event that cures her fear and magically ends the estrangement with her sister - Molly learns to trust again: in herself, and Ethan, and God, and love. Id have been surprised to find any sex in this book, and in fact there wasnt any. Some passionate kissing, and some allusions to Ethans bad-boy exploits in his Past comprise all the physical manifestations of attraction. Some of the writing, especially in early chapters, is a bit meh; theres overwriting, and writing that could be tighter. But generally the writing is pretty decent, if (as mentioned before) a bit heavy on the God thing. I wonder if the rest of the Love, Inspired line is equally emphatic on the importance of faith; I suppose Ill find out, as there are a couple more books in this line in the free book batch.
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