PDF A Cellarful of Noise (Rhino Rediscovery) by Brian Epstein download pdf

PDF A Cellarful of Noise (Rhino Rediscovery) by Brian Epstein download pdf

PDF A Cellarful of Noise (Rhino Rediscovery) by Brian Epstein download pdf

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Book description

Book description
I re-read this because I couldnt really remember having read it before. I can see why. Brian Epsteins story has been told so many times (and better) that his rather slight account gets lost in the shuffle. His boyish enthusiasm, charm and ideals come shining through but anyone who knows about his secret life will find it all a bit too fantastic. The book was obviously written for some quick cash and to further promote his stable of talent. Still, it is a first person narrative of a time and place I find fascinating so I cant completely dismiss it.
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